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For Women And Ladies Only; Keeping Your Womanhood Clean and hygienic.
Most women are taught early on to cleanse daily with strong soap or use "feminine hygiene" sprays, but this can actually do more harm than good. Knowing the right way to stay clean, choosing foods that will boost your health, and even exercising your vagina are all ways you can keep your vagina in tip top shape. Read on to learn more about how to have a healthy vagina. Wash With Hot Water Only. It may seem counterintuitive, but washing your vagina with soap, whether its bar soap or liquid, isn't the best way to keep clean.
The vagina actually stays quite clean on its own without the help of outside cleansers.
Vagina has a pH level that needs to be maintained within a certain range – 3.5 and 4.5, to be specific – in order to prevent the growth of unhealthy bacteria and facilitate the growth of good bacteria.
Using harsh cleansers can upset the balance, leading to infection, irritation, and even bad smells.
People often refer to the entire area "down there" as the vagina, but remember that the vagina is actually the tube-like muscle located inside your body. The vulva, the skin outside the vagina, may be cleansed with no-frills bar soap, as long as you don't find that it irritates your skin.
If you do end up washing your vagina with soap, make sure to thoroughly rinse it with warm water so that no traces of soap are left behind. Soap left inside the vagina can cause irritation. Don't Use Douches or Feminine Sprays.
Douching with chemicals that are supposed to make your vagina smell like a field of flowers actually ends up having quite the opposite effect.
They wash out all the healthy bacteria that helps your vagina stay clean and infection- free.
The chemicals left behind by douches can cause irritation and even burning, and the same goes for feminine sprays. If you keep your vagina healthy using other methods, there will be no need to try to make it smell different.
Scented creams marketed as a way to change the smell of your vagina can cause the same problems, so these should also be avoided. The same goes for scented pads and tampons and scented wipes.
If you feel like you absolutely have to use a scent on your vagina, go for something completely natural and chemical free. You can make your own body spray by mixing a few drops of an essential oil like rose, lavender or lemongrass with water in a spray bottle. Use the body spray after showering, and make sure you're completely dry before getting dressed. Have Good Hygiene During Your Period.
Many women experience an increased rate of vaginal infections when they're menstruating, since having blood in the vagina changes its pH and throws things out of balance.
To stay healthy during your period, practice the following habits: Change your tampon frequently.
Tampons absorb menstrual blood, and if you leave them in too long, you're keeping the blood in your vagina where it can change your pH.
Make sure you change your tampon every few hours to keep this from happening. Don't use pads or panty liners for longer than necessary. Wearing pads and panty liners all month long or after your period is over can lead to skin irritation.
Consider getting a menstrual cup. These rubber cups are inserted in the vagina to catch the blood, then rinsed out with hot water every few hours.
Menstrual cups are a chemical-free choice for handling your period, and they can be really helpful if you tend to get irritated by tampons and pads. Wipe From Front to Back.
It's important to wipe from front to back, rather than the reverse, to keep fecal matter from entering your vagina and causing an infection. Use plain, unscented toilet paper to wipe.
Avoid using wet wipes or any other product that contains perfumes and chemicals. Wear Cotton Underwear.
Cotton underwear dries quickly and allows air to flow freely through the fabric. This prevents the
development of damp conditions that promote the growth of yeast and unhealthy bacteria that might lead to an infection.
Underwear made from synthetic fabrics, silk, lace, or other materials doesn't
breathe as well. If you like wearing underwear made from fabrics other than cotton, make sure the section of the underwear that will be
touching your vagina has a cotton liner. If you tend to get a lot of vaginal infections, try picking underwear made
from organic, undyed cotton that hasn't been treated with any chemicals.
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