Blazing Hot. How to Use MTN 700MB On All Applications (Android, Symbian & Java Phone)....

Pulpit rock

For those of you still finding it hard to browse with the 700mb trial on android, java & symbian phone using simple server & open vpn, This Post will Guide You through on How to use Your 700MB On Any Application Of Your Choice without any error…

Create New Settings
With Bellow Settings and Follow the Steps Attached to It.
APN: or
in you opera4.2lab
HTTP:http://server4.opera ...

For Ucweb Browser
Front query:
Proxy server: 3a@0.facebook.compower it with N5 FOR OTHER HANDLER APPLICATION USE BELLOW SETTINGS

1: Download Any Type handler Application You Need be it 2go, Opera, Ucweb e.t.c (any version) for your android (java & symbian phone users are also included)

2: use the mtn default configurations

3: then configure your handler Application as follows changing only the front query & host front query: proxy type: select real host or host

proxy server: FOR WEB BROWSER





PROXY:-chose enable



DATA BEARER:- chose packet data

Happy New Week… Regards to All Your Family Members Sir/Ma..
#Love You All….


Pulpit rock

Hi Humble Viewers, welcome to this post, Bolt your sit belt and Get ReAdy..
Mtn is now blazing well with Your-freedom on Android Devices.

This Trick Has Been Tested and Working Very Fine before I Posted It Here.

So It Must Work for You.

To Get Started……

After u must av gotten ur free 700mb from mtn by dailing *662*6# and u still findin it
difficult to use d simple server due to been too slow, hia kums your-freedom faster dan jet….

Download Your-freedom software to your Android device

Install your-freedom software to your phone.
Launch it and Configure i t and configure it thus….


Port 80

Use either "post" or cgi or http or https Thats all…..


Settings Proxy Address:

Port : 8080


Have the following for Mtn Nigeria.

Yf server:

port: 53

Connection: UDP

proxy Server:

proxy Server port:8080 or

Yf server:

port: 53

Connection: UDP

proxy Server:

proxy Server port:8080

Click on START CONNECTION on your-freedom.

Enjoy it while it last.


MTN rock

Are u finding it hard to use ur free MTN
700MB on ur java or symbian web browser? Den follow d steps
below to gat it solve buh `case u neva get ur own free mb, dail *662*6# and follow d next step….

fOR JAVA UsErs u can create prov buh as for symbian users, create new access point…. Hun hun ….. Dat`s all….


1. IP: or

PORT: 80 or 8080

Access point name: web.gprs.mtnnigeria. net

Homepage: Or

2. Ip: or

Port: 80 or 8080


Apn: Or

3. Ip: or

Port: 80 , 8080

Homepage: o Go tru d homepage,
Input d site address and start surfing……

I knw u av bn waiting for dis, so keep flexing….

HOW TO USE MTN 700MB WITH OPERA 7.5 HANDLER (Android, Symbian & Java Phone)

Pulpit rock

Its No More New that MTN is dishing out 700MB free data plan daily.

Every Body is Eligible to Get Free 700MB Per Day but the main Issue on Ground is 35% of
viewers were Unable to Use the 700mb…

Well i Have gotten Little tips For You On How to use the 700MB on Your Devices using Opera 7.5handler, I created
this Tips after Surfing Through viewers Comment On my Previous Post.

HOW TO USE MTN 700MB WITH OPERA 7.5 HANDLER (Android, Symbian & Java Phone)
Use MTN Default Settings and Launch Your opera 7.5handler
for Android, Symbian & Java Phone. Just select real host or host and input as proxy server… Please Drop your comments to help me improve, update and kip upgrading this threatso that each and everyone of us can


it as-well..

HOT:- Get Free 700MB Daily From Mtn

Pulpit rock

Now you will appreciate the value of having multiple Mtn Sim cards. No long stories,
just dash straight to the point.

Follow the below steps to get free 700MB from your MTN sim.

==>Dial *662*6# and subscribe for all the
plan you see there i.e from jumia to easy taxy (monthly trial) each monthly trial you
subscribe to gives you 100mb and they are 7 in you 700MB in total

==> The 700mb can only work with this site
Meaning that from the above site, it won't work.

==>So if you already have Simple server, open it or download it here: /d/ceee0aeb

==>Same thing goes with openvpn or download the ovpn here: /d/1d5bf5d8 and config file here: /d/48edd35f

==>Open it and replace anywhere you see or with

For PC users, download SS.exe here; /d/827b6536
and set your browser to manual proxy to
port 8080 (don't forget to replace anywhere you see with

Finally, this 700mb will only allow you once for a life time since its trial; so if you have more sims, keep repeating the same process to keep enjoying free 700MB.


Mtn Latest Ip's Free Browsing Trick

Pulpit rock

I got this tweak while monitoring the net..
Please note that these cheats were assumed to
be working perfectly as at the time of posting with mtn.

FOLLOW THE BELOW GUIDLINES TO GET IT WORKING pls adhere strictly ,else you mess
everything up. Don't try to forge ,just do what you see.

1. Goto your phone settings>confegurationor connection and
input any of the below
[ IP's are optional

HOMPAGE= blank
PORT= 80
IP: [uk]
IP: [US]
IP: [US]

2. Lunch any browser, WhatsApp
,bbm,badoo,2go etc and start flexing with me!

NOTE: Please for some reasons,don't run this tweaks on 0.0k ,make sure you have at least 5naira on your account.

Latest MTN MAGIC sim tweak...

Pulpit rock

STEP1: buy any mtn sim but make sure its micro sim ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK because i have tried many normal sim but none worked ( i made use of mtn micro sim 32k )

Step 2 : load the sim with 250 naira only nothing more nothing less ( you can transfer from another sim to that sim)

Step 3: send a text message 2h to 131 ( kindly note the time when you sent this message )

Step 4: wait for confirmation message from mtn and you can start browsing for the next 1hour ONLY (do not download anything within this 1hour )

Step 5: once its up to 1hour , remove the sim and dont put it on any phone or modem for the next 24hour

Step 6 : once its upto 24hours , then insert the sim on a phone and send 102 to 131 ( i did not say 104 to 131) finally mtn would
send you a message saying you do not have credit to perform this operation .


Start browsing till your latop or phone goes off , you can disconnect and connect
the way you like and the apn is


NOTE: In magic sim hacking,risk is always involved. So if yo u can't risk it,don't try it.


Hotest / Latest GLO freebrowsing...

Pulpit rock

Glo Is Rocking With Full Speed on All Opera Handlers.

Java users should create Prov while Symbian Users should create new Settings.

Let's go:
PORT: 80
Now Insert Bellow Tweak in Opera 4.2 labs or Any Opera handler.
Download opera4.2labs if You don't have.

PROXY SERVER: Select Host As your Proxy Type, now in Your opera, goto
settings then protocol change it to socket.
That's All.

GET 1GB ON YOUR AIRTEL SIM WITH JUST 60 Naira #100% working.,

Pulpit rock

Today, am showing you guys a tweak i discovered and decide to test and confirm it @100% working b4 posting.

It's a genuine way to get 100MB on your airtel line just for # 60 naira.

Amazing right? you are yet to see hot tricks just
keep calm and watch what's going to happen after you must have tried out this trick am about to give out here in this post.

This is one of the reason why i love airtel network, they'll always keep digging to find easier ways to satisfy their customers.

Follow the below steps to get ur 1gb for N60 HOW TO GET 1GB FOR N60 ON AIRTEL

STEP 1 > Get any phone and put your airtel sim card in it then recharge N100 or N60

STEP 2> To activate dial *141*1# den press 4, press 1, press 2, den press 2 that's it or dia
l *141*1*4*1*2*2#

STEP 3 show your appreciation for this discovery by telling your friends about giftedworld blog

____________ NOTE: The 1gig last for a period of 14days.
Incase you get confused, the comment box is
available for your complaints. -

This MB Can be used on your android phones, Windows, Apple (iphones) and on PC.

Simple steps to get 8GB on Your airtel sim with #500 Bonus


Are You Ready?


1. Get an airtel sim…

2. B4 u load dial dis code to know if your eligible ,dial
*440*161#, if you get d msg telling you that you are not
eligible dat means it cant work 4u….
Buh if u gat d msg dat u do not av sufficient balance for it dat
means it will work 4u….

3. After u'v done dose steps, now load #1500 on ur fone and dial *440*161# and u will be given 4GB for 2months with #500 bonus….

Repeat step 3 again as many times as u can to add to ur gigabytes….


FBO rock

This will help those that are finding it hard to use simple server either because of rooting problems or low ram.

Let's go there....... How to browse unlimitedly on your android??
Download all this applications

1. openvpnconnect

2. Fb0+Sms

3. Config file

To opt out of dail *406*2# Or Send in SMS format stop to 131. then FB0 to 131.
once you receive a welcome SMS, Install openvpnconnect then click on import Cong file.
Then locate the previous Config file you
downloaded click on it and save it Just a tap on the config file and it will request for
username and password Username:vpnbook
Password: 3rEreWre

Pc users can also follow the same procedures..

The password normally changes every Wednesday so visit HERE for the latest password.once you see a arrow key then try connecting you apps.

The fb0 is capped 5mb so whenever your openvpn
disconnects you resend the message.

For heavy downloaders install fb0sms make sure your openvpnconnect is connected then tap on once you see
connection ok no need to send SMS manually the app will do that.

for those still stuck with the fb0 tweak: Download Page: /downloads/|

FAQs: /downloads/how-to-use.html

Drop your comment/s so i know where your stocked and keep visiting blog for to stay updated with the latest Password like i said earlier.
CONELWAP loves you all, your friends and families so invite them here.

Last Bug Fix: 10:52, 21/07.

Glo Unlimited Free Browsing !...! Part 1 & 2!...!

GLO ROCK If you're not a Glo User, then you are Seriously on a Long-thing because Glo Browsing is Seriously Blazing on All Application & also Rock wella without any Tweak whatsoever.

Do you wanna Flex with me on Glo? Then Follow the Instruction below!
Note: Get a glo sim 080 only for it to work
1. You have to Request for the Glo Direct settings on your Phone before you can flex for free.
2. To Request for the Settings, Go to Message&Type the Maker of your Phone [space] Phone Model, Send it to 927 e.g Nokia X6 to 927 .
3. You will Receive 2 Different Settings from Glo, Just Activate the Glo Direct Settings on your Phone to Rock.
4. Now Load Glo #100 Recharge Card to your Phone.
Thats all.
Now you can Start Browsing, Your Money will not be Deducted for any Reason, It
works wella on all
Application&even on PC with Modem or via Bluetooth/Cable.
Note: You must be on Glo Infinito Package to Enjoy this GWB Stuff!
How Can i Activate Glo Infinito?
You can Activate the Glo Infinito Package by Dialing *100*9*1# on your Phone!
Migrate to GLO GBAM by dialing
*100*5*1# you'll be charged #5naira daily rent.
Now by 12.00am you should check your balance and if 5naira has been deducted 4rm your account, your good to go.
Note: Lunch your browser, browse for like 4hour but dont download yet, after 4hours of browsing, close your browser and Lunch again, browse and download something den close your browser again and
finally lunch again 4 d third time and your sim card is ready for the Day.
Note: If while your browsing
your start experience a very slow browsing / downloading or is nt even browsing again, dnt panic, keep reloading, after like 3-5mins it wil start browsing again u can download the world.
Invite your Friends to Conelwap
to Enjoy this with you!
Inviting them is the Best Gift
you can give them for free…

[Tech] Best Ways To Increase Your Laptop Battery Power

Pulpit rock The problem that plagues most laptops these days is the battery's tendency to lose capacity over time.
The age old nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal-hydride batteries are now replaced by lithium-ion batteries as these don't require to be fully discharged at each charge cycle. In spite of this replacement, there are several measures you can take to make sure your battery duration and overall life extends to a maximum.
Here are some of the Tips:
Leaving CD/DVDs as leftovers in the drives even when not in use will lead to an unnecessarily spinning drive and will suck battery power like a sponge. Wherever possible, try to run on virtual drives using programs like Alcohol120% or PowerISO rather than optical ones.
Any device plugged in the USB port or other external devices like keyboard, headphones, or mouse will constantly draw battery power from your laptop. So if you're not using it, better
remove it and let your laptop ports breathe fresh air. All unneeded wireless capabilities such as built-in data modems, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios/switches should also be disabled.
Depending on your laptop model, you can even disable these unnecessary devices and ports using Device Manager.
Defragmentation is a process that physically organizes the contents of your hard drive into the smallest number of contiguous regions and creates larger regions of free space using compaction. Hence, it plays a major role in assisting the hard drive to access data easily. When the hard drive works quicker, it places a lesser load on the battery, making it last longer. In Windows, you can find the defrag option in the control panel while Mac OSX does not actually require defragging due to it's inbuilt intelligent handling of fragmentation.
Errant software applications, unnecessary utilities running in the background or apps that continuously hang usually suck up immense processor cycles.
Web browsers are particularly prone to the problem due to the multiple plug-ins, rendering engines, and scripting engines embedded within them. With a combination of
(Ctrl-Alt-Delete), Windows task manager is our savior here by identifying processes that show unexplained high utilization.
Also, if you have unnecessary programs running as start-ups, you can weed em out by going to the 'Start' menu and typing 'msconfig' in the search box. This will launch the System Configuration window, where you can select the Startup tab and uncheck the programs you don't require at startup.
To maximize battery life by a little, the following visual effects can be cut down upon: Switch off the Screensaver Today's OS's like Vista come with features like 'Aero Glass' which are resource guzzlers. One can turn it off and go for the 'Classic' appearance which consumes less power.
You can lower the graphic use by changing the screen resolution and shutting off fancy graphic drivers.
You can actually save 6% battery by installing apps like AdBlock, which eliminates advertisements and allows you to manually configure elimination of other elements on the web page to get additional battery life.
To put this application into use, you can right click on the element you want to block and select 'AdBlock'>>'Block this Ad' in the pop up menu. Now you can adjust the slider and select the appropriate level to hide unwanted elements like tickers, animations, videos, slide shows or other social media widgets.
8. SCREEN BRIGHTNESS Of course, the most renowned tip to prolong battery: KEEP BRIGHTNESS AT MINIMUM REQUIRED LEVEL. It is true that screen and keyboard back lighting are the most intensive power suckers of all time. The graph above shows how the power
consumption varies at different brightness settings.
Although the power consumption seems to alter evenly with respect to screen brightness, it actually increases very rapidly.

Etisalat Unlimited Browsing With 15Naira

For those that downloads a lot, Etisalat has given us the opportunity to download as much as we can for
5minutes @ 15Naira. and you can do this for as much as you wish.

This is really great for Iphone and android users to downloaded unlimited, those of my iphone and NokiaX pals requesting for cheat, this works well.
The speed of download depends on how strong Etisalat network is in your area. So, if you feel you can download as much as possible then use this.
Dial *229*5*7#
Then you can download as much as you wish for 5minutes When you time elapse
Dial *229*0# to
cancel... And *229*5*7# to reactivate...
With 180naira you can download unlimited for 1hour.
This is not an Etisalat cheat, it's official.

Hidden Android Secret Codes

android Below are some hidden Android Secret Codes:::

*#* # 778O#*#* =
Factory Data Reset
*#* # I472365#*#* =
Quick GPS Test

*#*#0673#*#* OR
*#*#0289#*#* =
Audio Test

*#*#2664#*#* =
Touch Screen Test

#'#273283*255*663282*#*#* =
Backup Media Files

*#*#0283#*#* =
Packet Loopback Test
Reinstalls The Phones Firmware & Format Your Phone

*#*#232339#*#* OR

*#*#526#*#* =
WireIess Lan Test

*#*# 1575#*#* =
Different GPS Test

*#*#4636#*#*' =
Complete Information About your Phone

*#*#2663#*#* =
Touch Screen Version

*#*#232337#*# =
Displays bluetooth Device Address

*#*#4986*2650468#*#* =
PDA, Phone. Hardware, RF Call Date

*#*#44336#*#* =
Displays Build Time

*#06# =
isplays IMEI Number

*#*#8255#*#* =
Google Talk Service Monitoring

*#* # II I I#*#* | *'#*#2222#*#* =
FTA Software Version FTA | Hardware version

*#*#3264#*#* =
Rom version

*#* # 23233I#'*#* =
bluetooth Test

*#*# 1234#'#' =
PDA and Phone Firmware Info

LCD Display Test

Vibration and Backlight Test

*#*#0588#*#* =
Proximity Sensor Test

*#*#232338#*#* =
Wi-Fi Mac Address

Field Test

*#*#34971539#*#* =
Camera Update

*#*#19732840#*#* =
Enable Test Mode

So the Above List Consists of almost 27 Android secret Codes that you might have not known but
Since i have shared them here now you are aware
of them. So use them whenever you Wish to Check and explore more about your Phone.

How To Download Android Paid Applications And Games For Free

This post is exclusively for Android users who are addicted to Games and Applications. The post will
explain 3 different best ways on how you can get
Paid Android Games and Applications for free, which are as follows:

1.File sharing Websites:-The best way to download Android games and applications for free is through file sharing websites.
The files to be downloaded on those websites was done by Android users who download or buy paid applications and upload them in file sharing websites.
The best popular file sharing websites
Out of all the File Sharing Websites, I recommend
4shared, It simply the best and most popular with loads of cool Applications and Games.
Steps To Download Paid Applications From Those Websites

1. Just log on to any of the above listed websites
2. Type the application name you want to download for free in their search bar and
3. Add the extension of " .apk" e.g For example, if you want to download ADWLauncher EX (A paid app in Google play Store), type Adw launcher ex .apk and press enter.
The results will then be viewed.
From the results, click the latest uploaded file and download it. Once the .apk file is downloaded, transfer it to your phone with a USB cable and install it on your phone.

Note:You can also download 4shared application from the market instead of searching applications on the web, you can use it directly to download any files.

2.BlackMart Alpha App:-BlackMart Alpha is an Android application itself, used for downloading paid applications for free. You need to search for
BlackMart Alpha in the above mentioned file sharing sites, Search results will appear, Locate and Download this application, Transfer and install it on your Smart phone. After installation,
open the BlackMart Alpha application, It has the same design like that of the Android Market App on your Smart phone. A list of applications will appear in it.

You can also use the search option to search and download a paid application for Free with BlackMart Alpha.
The price of the specified or searched application will strike out. Click on download and install it directly to your Smart phone for free.
Note:Don't update any application you downloaded from BlackMart Alpha as there are chances that it might corrupt that application.

3.Paying for Application in Android Market:-
The last tip, which is most reliable and the best way to download the paid application is by paying for an application in the
Android market. To use this option you should have a good file explorer
application like ASTRO File Manager and ES File Explorer. Install ES File Explorer or
File Manager If you don't have it yet on your Phone,
Go to Android market and purchase any application.
Within 15 minutes of the trial period you can get the full refund if you cancel the order.
The application gets downloaded to your Smart phone. Open ES file explorer, Click on
Options>>Manager>>App Manager.
Go to list of installed applications and click on the application you just purchased and click on the backup.
The application backup will be made in the backup folder of your SD card.

Once the backup is made, cancel the order from
the Google Play Store and install it from the backup folder again.
Your money will be refunded after you cancel the order.
So these are the Surest Way I have been using to download any Paid Applications for free. Enjoy!
Hope this information helps?

Activate Glo 12GB For Your Android & BB10 Now

Pulpit rock
If you are a normal Androidusers and you still
spend more money on data then you are missing something somewhere.

Tweaking your imei is something that has been so beneficial to almost all android users except the novice.
Imaging a typical Android user carrying 2.5Gb over to the next month… isn't that a testimony… lol!

But, as much as I trust my grandma, I don't trust Glonetwork provider, because they can decide to tweakBIS subscription not to work on infected IMEI.
I know of some people who are finding it difficult to even subscribe for the Comonth plan.
So if you've been eligible for that plan, try and do the following if you have it at your disposal.

How Can I get 12GB to Last me 4Months? Well, it's good to have advance subscription so that even if they are going to stop android device
from subscribing, you'll know that 12GB is smiling at you.

==>Send Comonth to 777 or dial *777*9# to activate 3GB for 1k.

==>Send the same code above after like 30min or
an hour interval and your validity will be extended
to 60days with 6GB You can repeat it again to complete 12GB.
It is better to have more than enough than not to
have not enough. Mind you, even if it's only 6GB that cost 3k is what you can afford, I'll suggest
you activate it fast before Glo Network will employ
a Chinese hacker to block all non bb devices from
using Glo BB plan.

World Cup - I Thought You Knew...

Pulpit rock
The 2014 world cup is almost coming to an end.....precisely today but hey did you know that....

*.The first world cup was staged in Uruguay in 1930.

*.Shirt numbers were used for the first time at the 1954 FIFA World Cup.

*.The highest-scoring world cup final took place in 1958, when Brazil beat hosts Sweden 5-2.

*.Two FIFA World cups in 1950 and 1970 passed without a single player receiving marching order.

*.At only four lines long, the Japanese national anthem is the shortest national anthem.
The longest is the Greek national anthem at 158 verses long.

*.The base of the current FIFA world cup trophy which was introduced in 1974, has space for 17 inscriptions- Enough for all the winners until 2038.

*.FIFA world cup trophy is made of 18-carat gold, stand 36.8cm high and weighs 6.175kg.

*.A total of 22 FIFA World Cup matches have been decided by a Penalty Shoot-out.

*.There were 28 red cards shown in 64 matches at Germany 2006, setting
a new FIFA world cup record.

How To Unlock and Open any Locked/Secured PDF file

Just the other day i suffered to get download a hidden ebook from an indian webpage, now i want to open it ,but its popping input pasword , i laughed.
Have you ever downloaded a PDF file and after downloading it, you
proceed to open it and you get a response that says "Enter Password"?
i guess it's the most annoying thing on earth at that moment.
especially when valuable information is included on the pdf document.
Today, Conelwap blog brings to you a great method i found to unlock every locked or protected pdf document. This post is a must read post,
if not for immediate practical purpose, then you must read it for knowledge based purpose.
How To Unlock and Open any
Locked/Secured PDF file Do you have a PDF file which you cannot Print, Copy 0r Edit because it's locked or protected then just
pay good attention to my words here and you are free as freedom it'self.

1. Get the pdf file and make sure u put it in a location with easy n fast access.
2. Visit any of the below websites u want to use..
3. After Selecting the pdf file you wish to unlock and then tick the check box "i agree to terms and conditions below"
4. Finally click UNLOCK and allow the page to load you are good to go!!!

NOTE: This is a free service that will
-Remove PDF restrictions for copying, editing, printing & extracting.
- Support all version of Adobe Acrobat up to 9
- No Software Installation Required.
-Everything is strictly done online.
Found any confusion?? Why not tell us using the comment box below.

How Change Android Imei Number To BB(New Method)

Glo Bis is still rocking on Android, BB and PC but not on iPhone/iPad. You can always port back to glo in order to enjoy the full validity of this tweak. Remember, you need to change your imei before you'll be able to enjoy this on your Android device.

Mobile Uncle Method works perfectly for tweaking yourIMEI if you've not yet done that.
But those who are finding it difficult to tweak theirIMEI should try this method below.

First of all, you will need to get the IMEI number of any OS7 BB or click here to generate it yourself.
Remember we are only trying to clone our Android device to look like a bb device to glo server.

Blocking this tweak by glo simply means Glo BB subscription will stop working on all bb phones.
What You Need
You'll need gravity box and a glo sim.
==>Download gravity box from play store or Google it
==>Run and install it on your device
==>Make sure your glo sim is insert on your device.

Open gravity box. On gravity box, scroll down to the end, you will see engineering mode Click on engineering mode.

Swipe to the left once Click on CDS information You'll see Radio information.
Click on it.
Phone 1 represents your sim 1
While phone 2 is your sim 2
After clicking phone 1, you'll see something like this;
AT+ With a tab for Send At Command under and your imei no under.
Copy down your IMEI no in a safe place.
Click on it and type E.
Something like this will pop up
Select the first one which has 7 at the end.
Then click inside the box in between this symbol ""
That's where you will input your new IMEI.
AT+EGMR=1,7"New IMEI" E.g
Then click send command and reboot your phone.
Your IMEI has been changed.
==>Change your apn to and subscribe for Glo BB plan for 1k 3GB.

I can't really say if this will work out for Samsung User but… maybe if it's didn't work for samsung users, I'll need to show you on how to Port your ROM to mtk.


airtel This tweak is old but i just discovered it's still working perfectly#100%
How Can I Get Airtel Free 20GB?

=>> load 1000naira card ( make sure your balance is not more than the N1,000, in your phone book , save
*141*11*4*phone number# As # ( i.e let it be the first
thing that will be in your phone book contact )
(the phone number after* above should be your airtel number or your friend airtel
phone number that you want to transfer
data to dial another number and once it start ringing , scroll
down to where you save that # and then dial it you can
dial # 5times per call but make sure you dont dial the
# when the call have ended so that airtel will not deduct that your 1000
Note: Each time you dial it you will be giving 200mb and you can continue to do it till it getto 19gb.
Method 2 You can Also Use 100 naira Trick. Just Load 100 naira dot,
Replace *141*712*4*number# as in the 1st Tutorial with *141*712*11*number#
Please note that the above tweak is not working on all airtel sim cards.
So if you cant get diz 1, just hold on, comeback in few hours... Conelwap cares for you..
#Free Browsing Is Our Right!
Goodluck And Enjoy!

How To Get Free MTN 1GB With Just 100 Naira (Tested & Confirmed)

mtn Steps=:

* Simply migrate to MTN Paygo plan by sending 400 to 131 or you can still dial *400# to migrate.
Note that you must not have any money to migrate, to get free migration just simple make use of any old sim card that is one month of last migration.
*. After a successful migration, dial this code *123*878# but note that the response will be error message i.e try again.
*. Then now you are to load card of N100 into your MTN sim and Send MTN 1GB to 131 without wasting time quickly switch off your phone and
remove the battery and insert the battery back to your phone.
*. Then after the booting of your phone quickly send 104 to 131, and
you will be welcomed to the MTN 10mb per
day data plan, but just know that 10mb is 1GB, if you want to confirm, just dial *559#.
But do not, i mean do not and again DO NOT check your
balance with this number *123*4*4# or this one 2 to 131
. Enjoy!

MTN + BIS + PD Proxy PC Free Browsing Cheat For July/August 2014

It seems like hell is getting loosed for the
MTN internet service providers in Nigeria. For a couple of hours now,
some Nigerian tech geeks have been able to discover some free browsing tricks to browse all for free on
your PC simply by subscribing for your MTN BIS, A PD proxy server and use it to browse unlimitedly on your Personal computer.
In this post, I'll teach you how to configure and browse for free on your MTN SIM card..

Here are the steps to follow to enjoy MTN PC Free browsing before it gets blocked
Step 1: First Register a PDproxy account here, then downloadPDproxy program for your PC.
Step 2: After downloading it,
then install and grant any requested permission, like TAP Driver.
Step 3: Once the above procedure is completed, then go to settings >>>
advance settings >>
proto option, then insert
53 as UDP port
Step 4: After the above setup, below parent proxy, tick on the
"Enable Parent Proxy" box and enter as the IP and
8080 as the port
Step 5: Then click on header and input the below host inside the inbox.
X-Host: Thensave it..
Make sure that the Apn of your Modem is set to
That's all you need to browse for free with your Laptops/PC on MTN.
Feel free to leave your comment.
I would really appreciate. :)

How To Use Droid Premium Server For Free And Download Unlimited

Pulpit rock Pulpit rock

How Can I Use DroidVPN With MTN Bis Plan on Android?

Good morning pals!
Without wasting much of your time, opt in to Google play store and download Droidvpn here: DROIDVPN
===>Go Droidvpn setting,
click on connections and choose TCP
===>after that change the following to
===>UDP: 53
===>TCP: 5222
===>Bind local: 1100
===>Go to http header setting in droidvpn Host:
===>Enable Proxy and tick enable IP
PROXY : PORT: 8080
Configure your APN like this
Proxy: leave it empty Port: leave it empty
Once you've configured the above, you can now subscribe for Mtn BB
Plan; mind you, daily BIS gives you 3GB which goes for #120 and monthly BIS Plan equally gives you 3GB.
To sub for daily bis plan, send BISday to 21600; and for monthly, send BBC to 21600 which goes for #1,000.

Happy New Month To You All!!!

“There Is No Difference Between Internet Fraudsters & Telecommunication Companies” – Open Letter To Top 4 [MUST READ]

Pulpit rock Dear Nigerian Telecommunication Companies, I am not part of those people who will rather keep silent because they are anticipating your cheap free gifts or an endorsement from greedy and self centred telecommunication companies.
Don't reply this Letter to explain how much cost and salaries u claim to be incurring because we all know u are making excess profit from Nigeria.
The nonsense you are doing here is what u cannot try in developed countries but what do you expect from a sleeping and corrupt government? #Shame What do you think of telecommunication in Nigeria? Do u think the Price, Network and data plan is fair to the average nigerian? You might not know this fact but I can assure you that telecommunication companies in Nigeria (Mtn, Glo, Airtel, Etisalat and co) are ripping us off.
They are so greedy and they definitely don't care about us that is why they prefer to maximise profits and use promotions, adverts, endorsements and music concerts to deceive us.

They know we don't have any better choice, the Nigerian Communication Commission is on their payroll so they have the green light to treat us just the way they like. Honestly there Is no difference between Internet fraudsters and these telecommunication companies,if you don't believe then allow me expose their scams
1. SIM CARD SCAM To start with, remember when Sim cards was first introduced in Nigeria? How much were they selling it? It was as much as N70,000. Now they sell it for N100 and most people even own more than one. What does this tell you? They intentionally made owning a sim card seem like a privilege and something only for the rich.
They started reducing the price gradually, made billions of naira and still made Nigerians think they were doing us a huge favor. Now even beggars own a phone.
Yes or No? That is the attitude of a criminal
If you calculate the amount we spend on calls in a month, do you know it is well over N10,000? So on the average, if we buy N200 recharge card per day multiplied it by 30 days in a month, it equals N6,000. Why can't
you just create a plan for us where we can pay N3,000 per month for unlimited Local calls (Not international calls) , text messages and internet plan.
You can still be selling recharge/ top up cards by the side definitely and I know thousands of people reading this can afford it.
This service won't make u have a loss. Afterall Glo boss Dr Mike
Adenuga could afford to give over 400 guest who came to his party a $10,000 "thank you for coming" envelope. Nigeria is an unsafe place now where we cannot afford to be out
of reach, so many people have lost their life to ritualist killing,kidnappers and robbers just because
they could not call for help due to the fact that they were out of call credit.
OUR DEMAND We don't want "Borrow me Credit" facility, let those who can afford it pay for the special plan of unlimited calls,
Text and Data Bundle. Be fair, everyone deserves to be online, this is year 2014.
3. PROMO SCAM It has come to our notice that several companies send us random messages to participate in a promo or introduce us to a product.
How did Samsung, Indomie, Nestlé, Vijumilk,konga nd co have my private number?
The only explanation to that is our criminal minded companies sell our phone numbers to other multi national companies so they can send us bulk text messages.
They even go further to call us with a computer generated voice to advertise.
Airtel sends me 5 text messages everyday claiming that I have N500,000 insurance in my hands.
Since when did it become compulsory to participate in a promo?
That is another attitude of a fraudster if u ask me
OUR DEMAND: We have a right to privacy and you must respect that ! If u want to introduce your
product to us, pay us to listen to your
story,hire marketers or Go to the internet and pay bloggers to advertise your new products
4. Calling from MTN to GLO is like calling an international number.
On so many occasions our credit will disappear and we just have to ignore it because we get tired of all the 30 customer care representative telling us to call back in 15min. Mtn is fond of stealing people's credit, the only difference between u and armed robbers is that u have not started using guns.
Isa ayatu loaded N400, he was owing N100 and MTN wiped out everything. I loaded N2,500 to my modem and could only use it for Facebook.
The complains are endless.
Freebrowsing is Our Right!?
Drop ur comments.